Enjoy part 2...
"The problem is that
like most people, I want it all and I want it now. I often ask myself, if I
know what I want, why can’t I have it now?
If thoughts are matter and we create our own reality through our
thoughts, words and actions, why doesn’t it always manifests itself? And by “it”
I mean the reality that I create, the one I think about.
Luckily for me (and
unluckily for my impatient ego) I’ve found answers to these questions. Of
course I’m happy to share what I’ve found out with you. You see, first of all
it’s really important that you trust in yourself. This is not one of the
ending lines from the movies or the end of a tale that our parents used to tell
us before we went to sleep. It is indeed true, and they’ve been telling us this
over and over again, it’s just that I don’t see that many parents put it into
practice and unfortunately/fortunately (there are always at least two sides of
seeing things) we tend to learn more from what we see than what we hear, more from
experience than theoretical learning. But that’s another story.
So, to be back to our
initial story, we can always have what we choose, because our thoughts are energy,
energy creates matter and we can attract whatever we want or we don’t want, but
unconsciously think about. (Have you ever wondered why you found yourself in the
same situations over and over again? Because we unconsciously attract the same
patterns over and over again, because we haven’t let go of fear and because we
found ourselves in a familiar situation we know how to treat. When we say we
don’t want something, we usually have it, because we focus our energy on the
non-wanting part, so we attract what we fear the most.. haha tricky) But we can
let ourselves out of it, if we think consciously. It’s not easy to do, but it
can be done. One of the things that might work is to monitor your thoughts and
always think of the highest good. Think positive is not just a slogan.
The reasons why what
we choose don’t appear immediately can be resumed as below.
1. because we don’t
know what we want => ask yourself the questions, what is that you want
2. because we keep on changing our minds => choose the same thing over and over again
3. because we think it
is too good to be true
4. because we can’t
decide what’s best for us
5. because we want to
have guarantees ahead of time that this is the right choice
So we should really
take time to ask ourselves what we want and ask for it with our whole heart and
then let it go. One way or another it will come to us. And I’m talking
particularly about women since most of us (or well the feminine side of us)
wants to have guarantees so ahead of time that we don’t fully concentrate on
the present moment. We can’t decide what’s best for us right now.. and I’m one
of the worst, but getting better with time.
Another thing that I
wanted to share with you is my healing experiences on myself. I’ve done tonglen
on other people too, but I can’t say I’ve cured them, but myself yes, I have
done that. I think it’s my connection mind-body-spirit that plays a big role in
that. I always ask my body what it wants, from simple things such as eating (and it
doesn’t always reply Ice-cream), veggies and fruits are good too, but sometimes pizza is good too…
everything is good as long as it makes me feel good. By asking I almost stopped
drinking at all. My body never requires alcohol. “It makes me sad”, it tells
me. “Ok, as you like” I reply. I also ask my body if it feels like exercising. Yesterday it told me, let’s do some yoga. I do kundalini yoga, and I’m stuck in
the second chakra. But yesterday I said, “Ok, if that’s what you want, why
don’t we start by the first one, we both know we’ll enjoy and then do to the
second one.”
I ended up doing 30 minutes of the 1st chakra and one
hour of the third one. I hadn’t plan starting it but it was really really
great. I finished at midnight and slept like a baby.
To please my mind, I read;
that’s my mind’s favorite past time. Now I’ve started to ask my guide about the
book I should read. In the past, I used to read a lot and always finish the
book I had started. Now, I don’t mind that much letting things seemingly
unfinished. When I start reading a book I know I will always find the answers
I’m looking for. Sometimes the book has finished its purpose before coming to
an end... and I should let it go. I wish that with time I start following the
same practice on other things and ultimately people, letting go when they’re no
longer good for me. It’s like wasting my time with a book that will no longer
bring me what I need, when there are plenty of other books out there which can. And of course every day I take care that my soul is happy… music, nature and
meditation, that’s what my soul wants. It’s not that hard having balance after
you’ve found what works for you. And in that way I can find health too... but I
must be careful of self-sabotaging.
I’ll explain. Once
your body-mind-spirit are in balance the risk of being sick is really low..
unless… you have been wanting to be sick for a long time (not directly, but for
example, you’ve been so sad depressed you have unconsciously or consciously
wished not to live in this planet any longer during a long period of time) or
if you haven’t listened to your body requirements it would be a way of your
body telling you to slow down or to tell you you’re not paying attention. (That’s what happened to me two weeks ago. I had totally forgotten I had anemia
and one day my body refused to get out of my bed and made me realize how much I
was tiring my body by not taking any kind of medication... iron or anything
else. So I just stayed there, on my bed, listening to my heart beating a lot
faster than normal to fill my body and brain with the required amount of blood. I realized how stupid I had been, I said I was sorry to my heart and I went to
see a doctor.). And third sometimes you wish to be sick to take some time for
yourself...a day off, and that’s totally ok, too. BUT, if you don’t like being
sick and you get a bacteria in a subway that make you have fever and cough... and you don’t like that, well, you can make yourself better just with
meditation. I should know, I did that 3 times on myself and it worked
overnight, all times. And it’s just 3 times, because in 3 years I’ve only been
sick that much and it lasted only a day. Usually what I do is picture my
disease with a different color (for example, my tonsils with red light and then
I imagine every white cell in my body getting bigger and bigger, they surround
the red light until it dissipates and I use my fingertips to let it out of
myself. Before I surround myself with a white light and I ask my guide to be
present. I imagine him on top of my head... but not always... actually none of
this is necessary, it’s just what works best for you. I adapted Michael
Newton’s meditation in the end of Destiny of Souls and I use my hands in the
end to touch the place where it hurts. I can feel a warm energy coming from
them and then I go to sleep with the intention of being healed when I wake up
in the morning. My mind/body/soul does the rest. There was a time when I was
pretty sick with high fever and I woke up every two hours during the night and
repeated the meditation. My body temperature dropped constantly, 1 degree every
30 minutes until I was healed. It was great!!!
Of course I’m not telling
you to believe me, I’m saying Try it for yourself!!! There is nothing more
powerful than you and you can do miracles.
You are creating your own destiny
and that in itself is already a miracle. Maybe this won’t work for you...but it
works for me, everyone is different, but if you carefully listen to yourself
and follow your intuition you can do and choose whatever you want... choices
are limitless. You are doing it now, anyway,
the questions is, are you doing it consciously? I am not doing it consciously
all the time either, but well at least I’m trying. ;)"
Did you enjoy part 2? If you missed part 1, read it here.