Saturday, 23 February 2013

Mr. Stupid

Mr.Stupid drives a European car, Audi, BMW and the likes.

Mr.Stupid thinks when he succeeds in this project, he'll reward himself with an upgrade of the car, the watch, the house, the wife (?).

Mr.Stupid knows he cannot upgrade the wife, but perhaps instead of flowers, next time is a bank account to let her do botox, vitamin C injection, and the likes.

Mr.Stupid gets upset when his ego is bruised by some old friend that identifies his fears and insecurities.

Mr.Stupid calls everyone friends because he might need them later on down the rosy lane of his prestigious life.  Plus it shows his flexibility to be able to be "friends" without prejudice, so he thought.

Mr.Stupid worries when someone remarked his shiny new watch, "Oh, it's just a Rolex.".  He thought to himself, "Didn't she knows how hard I had to work for this Rolex?".

Mr.Stupid is frustrated when work is not working out right while his relationship is non existence at all, that's OK for him, because what matters is MONEY, right?

Mr.Stupid is so proud of himself that he talks endlessly about his achievements, goals and what's more to come out of him in the future, because what matters is his own FAME, right?

Mr.Stupid disregard those who talks to him about reflecting upon himself and his actions.  Instead, he replies, "What do you really want from me?"

Mr.Stupid is happy to walk around everyday being asleep and is afraid to be awaken.  Because clinging to his Zegna suits, Rolex watch, his model wife, his perfect kids, feels better to him than anything else he can think of.

For my male readers, please change Mr.Stupid to Miss.Stupid and change the branded goods names accordingly to your preference.

I am not addressing anyone specific and Mr/Miss Stupid is a fictitious character that represent something that's unseen.  Your consciousness.
The branded goods I mentioned above, is randomly picked and has no significant affiliation towards the brand itself and I have no intention to defame or undermine the brand itself.

Friday, 22 February 2013

Global Meditation 20 March 2013

After the amazing experience last year at the Global Meditation 12 December 2012, I invite all the readers here to join many others, everywhere around the world for another mass meditation on 20th March 2013.

Here's the link for the guided meditation from 12.12.12 and the invitation for this year's:

Meditation is free, it can be done anywhere, in any condition you might be in and it doesn't matter what race/religion/beliefs you hold at all.  

See you all in the soul realm :)

Thursday, 21 February 2013

The Man Who Quit Money

Recently, I've been told by people I knew that I've changed completely.
Despite all the unfortunate things that's been happening in my life for the past decade, they said that it's unbelievable how I smile sincerely and even laugh happily, too.
They asked me how in the world I can still do that, when to their eyes, I'm living such a phooey life (dejected, rejected and judged by society).

If you want to know the whole story, commission me to write you a book.  Perhaps sequels?
However, it is really so simple, too.  I can describe it in a sentence.  Where's the sentence you might ask?  Well, ask me :)

One aspect of it, I felt in this article, courtesy of the Daily Mail, UK:
"The Man Who Quit Money"

Although that is not all there is to it but it is certainly part and parcel of the answer to their questions.

Take this simple picture:
For some of you, it will just be a picture of leaves taken by a camera phone and won't even capture your attention when scanning through my blog entries.
But to my daughter, this picture immediately puts a smile on her because she remembers that day when she found this unusual orange black spider that was spinning web on its prey and was probably about to eat it for lunch.

You see, everyone of us view things differently.  Even a mother and her daughter will have different views on the same thing.
When the right to judge is in the hands of the person living the reality, the world will change, surely.