Tuesday, 15 May 2012

The Fairy that ended Blue

Since the very first time she knew colour, pink red and white were always the special ones.  So, how did this little fairy ended blue?

"It lacks a lot of colours", she commented, "no red....".....

This was the first choice of colour combo.
This is for the more adventurous ladies.

But how did it end up having cross breed smurf-ogre-ish face?
While mom renewed her driving license, little miss fairy had a battering of pink and purple.  Couldn't decide having her a smurf clan or the ogre princess.  The picture above is mommy's halfway saving attempt.  

Lets start from scratch with a little bit of painting technique shall we?

Making do with what's left of the colours available.  She's going to wear blue turtleneck and knee high green boots.

Little miss fairy actually suffered a fall and had to be glued back on, but all when mommy wasn't looking.  She's good as new in blue.  At least the smurfogre theme is there till the end.

1 comment:

  1. LOL, I liked the cross breed smurf-ogre-ish face! =)
