It's school holiday for this 5 year old, but "Holiday Program" is on, so it's school as usual with different friends from other schools.
First day, she thought she'd gone into Twilight Zone, stunned for 5 minutes in her usual class, but filled with different kids. Cute I thought. I did tell her that she will join the program but her best friend bailed out on the first week. She was rather down, but quickly made new friends.
So, yesterday, as the first week of holiday school ended, I decided to take her out for a lunch treat. Afterwards, we ventured into the bookshop and as soon as we got to the children's fiction's section, she screamed with excitement, "Aaah Roald Dahl's collection!!!".
Took me quite sometime to search where it was, and then there it was, perching high up on top of the shelves, two boxes of the same 15 best selling novels collection. I was amazed, it must be fated.
At the check out counter:
Cashier: "Do you have the [store name] member?"
Me: "No."
Cashier: "Do you have the [bank name] credit card?'
Me: "No."
Cashier: smiled (perhaps thinking, "Well, so it's full price for you deary.")
A strange nice looking lad next to me said: "You can use my membership."
Me: "Are you sure? Oh, thank you so much."
Cashier: smiled (perhaps thinking, "Is he filrting with her???")
Me: dry smile (thinking nope, he's not, look at me, I'm with my kid, buying her books.)
Cashier: "So, total becomes [price after 10% member discount]."
Me: handing the card (said to myself, hold your "Yessss" till you get to the car, hold it, hold it)
Enough said, nope, he wasn't flirting, I am beginning to suspect that he also gets points from using the member card. Mutual benefit, mais non?
I think it's karma, for those coupons I once gave to this mother with daughter, enabling them to get freebies at the supermarket. Or perhaps it was that sticker I gave that lady that was collecting it. Well, now I know, karma, paying it forward, anyway you call it, it does has its magic.
Came home with a smile on both of our faces. She has 15 novels to read, I have, well, I had a discount didn't I? I'm happy.