Friday, 13 January 2012

Home Schooling Bloopers "Chasing Game"

Sometimes the funniest thing takes a while to sink in for adults.  For her, it's just part of her brain and how it functions.
Can't help it, but to add something, this Brainquest book is soooo boring!

Take your time, we won't think you're weird if you don't get it, hehehe.
It started when the cat was napping....
 When a dog appears, and there's a girl and a boy, a chasing is inevitable...

 Wow wee...
 Afterwards, the dog gets the girl, resting and I, hmm got told off by mom....New Year's Resolution successfully broken.

Connector Pens

The "Finger Printing Art Book" came with 2 'Connector Pens".  Since she is obsessed with collecting things, she bought the whole set of connector pens.
A pair of "mer-people"
 Make (aka Macke)-over for PPG
 The longest drawings ever: "Fashion Shop", cut up into 3 bits because I have no wide lense camera.
"Ding Dong", mommy won't accept picture without words in it...

Finger Prints

We love this Faber Castell "Finger Prints Art Book".  It develops a lot of the soft motoric skills needed for little kidlets.

A long way to go but gotta start somewhere.
From here...
To this:

All the different kinds of dancing she wants to do...

Stuffed kitten


Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Book Project

While the year has just changed, we feel that we've already worked through half way 2012.  Definitely the result of X'Mas and New Year's day falling on a Sunday.  Tiring indeed but planning to reward ourselves is a holiday in itself.

As a result, I had to be extra creative in recalling the exciting this that we can do indoor while I'm still working (yes, working through the festive season!).  I was reminded of a little book making project that the school had for their holiday program.  So we tried to make our own.  Here it is.

Her recollection of the Nutrition Lessons we did with the Nutritionist Lady